Times Suites is in Via Sant’Ercolano 38, in the pedestrian area of the historical centre.
It is located in a LTZ and therefore, we encourage you NOT to insert Times Suites’s address into your GPS.
There is no private parking available. To park your car, please choose one of these public parkings: Ripa di Meana, Sant’Anna, Piazza Partigiani SABA, Mercato Coperto.
Highway A1 Firenze – Rome: from south, exit Orte, from north, exit Valdichiana, then follow directions towards Perugia.
Highway A14 Bologna – Taranto: Exit Civitanova Marche and then follow directions to Macerata, Fabriano, Colfiorito, Foligno, Perugia.
Take the exit “Prepo” in Perugia and follow the signs for the centre of town.
To momentarily stall your car and unload your luggage before parking in one of the public parkings, you can type “Porta di Santa Croce o Tre Archi” into your GPS. Times Suites is only a 3-minute walk from there (190m).
Railway station Fontivegge in Perugia:
Bus and taxi are available (taxi phone nr.: +39 075 500 48 88).
Minimetrò (Perugia metro) Pincetto stop.
For information click on www.ferroviedellostato.it, www.umbriamobilita.it.
Leonardo da Vinci airport, Fiumicino Rome www.adr.it
International Airport San Francesco d’Assisi Perugia
(www.airport.umbria.it): at the exit of the terminal, airbus to the centre of Perugia (for further information A.C.A.P. lines, toll free number +39 800 099661) or taxi (phone nr.: +39 075 500 48 88).